Wednesday, December 25, 2019

How Do Insects Have Sex

Insect  sex is, for the most part, similar to other animal sex. For most insects, mating requires direct contact between a male and a female. Generally speaking, much like humans, the male of the insect species uses his sex organ to deposit sperm into the females genital tract spurring on internal fertilization. But there are some standout cases where males and females make no contact at all. Wingless Insects The primitive insect order (Apterygota) relies on an indirect method  of sperm transfer to its mate. There is no insect-to-insect contact. The male deposits a sperm packet, called a spermatophore, on the ground. For fertilization to occur, the female must pick up the spermatophore. But there is a bit more to the males mating ritual than just dropping some sperm and running. For example, some male springtails go to great lengths to encourage a female to pick up his sperm. He may nudge her toward his spermatophore, offer her a dance or even impede her path away from his sperm offering. Silverfish males attach their spermatophores to threads and sometimes bind their female partners to force them to accept their sperm package. Winged Insects Most of the worlds insects (Pterygota) mate directly with the male and female genitalia coming together, but first the couple must attract a mate and agree to mate. Many insects use extensive courtship rituals to choose their sexual partners. Some flying insects can even mate midflight. To do so, the winged insects have a unique sex organ for the task. After a successful courtship, copulation occurs when the male inserts part of his penis, also known as an aedeagus, into the females reproductive tract. In many cases, this requires two steps. First, the male extends its penis from his abdomen. Then, he extends his penis further with an inner, elongated tube called the endophallus. This organ acts as a telescoping penis. This extension feature enables the male to deposit his sperm deep within the females reproductive tract. Satisfying Sex One-third of insect species studied by scientists show that the males do not seem to neglect their  partners either. There seems to be a decent effort on the males part to make sure the female is pleased with the sexual encounter. According to Penny Gullan and Peter Cranston,  Ã¢â‚¬â€¹entomologists from the University of California-Davis, in their textbook The Insects: An Outline of Entomology: The male indulges in copulatory courtship behavior that appears to stimulate the female during mating. The male may stroke, tap, or bite the body or legs of the female, wave antennae, produce sounds, or thrust or vibrate parts of his genitalia. Another example, milkweed bugs, also known as Oncopeltus fasciatuas, may copulate for several hours with the female leading and the male walking backward. Everlasting Sperm Depending on the species, a female insect can receive sperm in a special pouch or chamber, or a spermatheca, a storage sac for sperm. In some insects, such as honey bees, the sperm remains viable for the remainder of her life in the spermatheca. Special cells within the spermatheca nourish the sperm, keeping it healthy and active until needed. When the bees  egg is ready for fertilization, sperm is pushed out of the spermatheca. The sperm then meets and fertilizes the egg.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Research Critique Essay - 2231 Words

Research Critique According to Petrofsky et al. (2010) obesity has become a predisposition to numerous chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. Women tend to have additional factors that promote being overweight such as pregnancy, overall decreased muscle mass, and hormonal factors in comparison to men who have increased muscle mass and lack the hormonal and pregnancy impact that may cause weight gain. In addition to the factors previously mentioned, recent studies have shown that women who are overweight going into a pregnancy tend to remain, or become even more overweight following pregnancy. The authors of the Petrofsky et al. study also look at the changes in posture and the alignment of the skeleton during pregnancy that†¦show more content†¦The women in the intervention and control groups were between the ages of 21 and 53 years and had a child within the last 18 years, while the pre-pregnancy group consisted of â€Å"younger women who did not have children† (Petrofs ky et al., p. 42). The intervention group participated in the diet and exercise program, while the control group participated in all measurements, and the pre-pregnancy group only participated in the initial measurements. The intervention included a diet and exercise program that was specifically designed to allow for weight loss over the 2 month period of the study and the exercise program consisted of a specifically designed program to focus on areas of the body that are affected during pregnancy. The primary focus was on increasing muscle mass and increasing overall strength. The exercise program was clearly outlined and consisted of 30 minute exercise periods, which would increase each week, and was taken from a program of videos consisting of a combination of core training and aerobic and strength exercise. In addition, the workout schedule is clearly identified in Table-2 on p. 43 of the Petrofsky study for the entire 2 month period. The diet was clearly defined as well, cons isting of a mild caloric restricted diet balanced between carbohydrates, proteins, and fats established by a nutritionist to further ensure proper balance of vitamins and minerals, while promoting a moderateShow MoreRelatedQuantitative Research Critique1540 Words   |  7 PagesThis critique reviewed a quantitative study based upon palliative care and how it met emotional or spiritual needs of the families of patients with serious illnesses. The critique used eight criteria to analyze the quantitative study. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

A Critical Analysis of HiTechIndustry Structure- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Critical Analysis of HiTechIndustry Structure for Goals. Answer: Introduction. HiTechIndustry processes and deploys high performance and high-end technology that is used in all telecommunication firms in the whole world. The organization produces Products that assist mobile phone stations to add more values to their range of brands and signal strengths to their esteemed customers without necessarily adding more power. The firm is located in Brisbane but conducts business networking all over the world. Over the previous years, it has been using the traditional hierarchy. The above type of organizational structure is outdated and despite its advantages, it also has several implications that have made the organization to think of changing the structure. The first impact is that the innovation is stagnated as communication flows from the top going downwards. When innovation deteriorates, the management suffers, and collaboration seizes to exist, (Hatch Cunliffe, 2013). The business also becomes sluggish as creativity is not embraced. Management functions in this o rganization involve solving problems critically, motivating the workers and ensuring that the firm realizes its goals and objectives. Traditional organizational structure This is a hierarchical type of organization structure, whereby information flows from top management to the subordinates and vice versa, (Bolman Deal, 2017). In this structure, there is a lot of rigidity in decision making, and most of the times the subordinates only follow the decisions made by the top-level management, (Bolman Deal, 2017). The theory. Traditional organizational structure relates closely to the bureaucratic theory of management, whereby the decisions made by the top managers are to be followed, and the subordinates must observe strict adherence to the rules, (Foss, Lyngsie Zahra, 2013). Definition of the issue. HiTechIndustry uses a traditional organization structure. Therefore, it is primarily exposed to the shortcomings of this type of structure as discussed below: Message distortion within the organization: As orders move from top level of the management to the lowest level in the traditional structure, the message may be interpreted in different ways such that every supervisor can understand the original message differently, (Hatch Cunliffe, 2013). In case the employees have issues that they want to raise concerning the organization, the problems and complaints may reach the top level management after going through so many steps leading to delays, (Hatch Cunliffe, 2013). The employees may, therefore, feel dissatisfied with their complaints have to pass through the supervisors and managers before they are looked into by the management. This complicated process may make the message to be lost or get distorted along the chain. Lack of individual authority: The authority in traditional organization structure is given to the position one holds rather than to an individual, (Csaszar, 2012). Therefore, the individual managers who run the organization do not earn the personal respect they deserve but instead inherit it due to their positions. It also calls for regular checking of the effectiveness of the persons working in different positions in the organization to affirm whether they have the skills that are required for the job, (Csaszar, 2012). This demotivates the managers, causing lack of commitment to the firm. Long decision-making time: The decision-making process is always slow in the traditional organization structure as there are many management hierarchies, (Bolman Deal, 2017). Businesses that have many levels of management take time before coming up with the final Decision, (Bolman Deal, 2017). Managers in different offices also take time while trying to weigh the issues. In HiTechIndustry, the organizational structure is the traditional hierarchy that has various channels of management thus is affected by the longtime decision making. This made some managers propose that the senior managers come up with some decisions without consulting the rest of the managers. However, the proposal did not work as some of the managers in the lower levels felt that their opinions were being ignored. Inhibition of globalization: In the traditional organizational structures, decisions are always made in the headquarters, (Gulati, Puranam Tushman, 2012). This is disadvantageous to the global economy since the people on the ground in different local countries require the authority to make decisions to adapt to any proposed company strategy. Such issues are likely to drive away the global customers leaving the firm with the choice of becoming a local company, (Bolman Deal, 2017). Therefore, HiTechIndustry being a global company needs to change its organizational structure to maintain its global business structure. Over-specialization: In a traditional organizational model, the employees tend to limit themselves to one responsibility leading to over-specialization, (Hatch Cunliffe, 2013). The phrase-' it's not my job' will become familiar as the employees will only concentrate on what they feel they can do best, (Hatch Cunliffe, 2013). This creates spontaneity. Also, to earn good performance reviews, employees will concentrate on one task thus leading to over specialization since they are reluctant in taking other responsibilities. Addressing the issues After considering the above issues, I came up with the recommendations and the favorable organization structure that HiTechIndustry should adopt. The firm should adopt a project organizational structure to escape the problems posed by the traditional model. Project organizational structure In a project organizational structure, the organization identifies a specific project and allocates it to one project manager, who oversees the whole process of project development and execution, (Too Weaver, 2014). HiTechIndustry majors on innovation as its key capability. Therefore, it comes up with different innovative technology systems which need to be carefully developed, monitored and maintained. Therefore, each system developed should be put under control of a specific project manager. This can be represented in a chart as follows: The above organizational structure allows vertical coordination rather than the horizontal relationships. The flow of work depends on the distribution of the employee's talents and abilities, (Too Weaver, 2014). It adopts an administrative theory of management as each project will be put under one administrator. There is also a division of labor, whereby each employee is assigned duty. For instance, in the above chart employees duties may be informed by developers, analysts, testers, and designers. As explained by Too Weaver (2014), the structure has unique features that make it appropriate for most firms. These features are discussed as follows: There are specific goals and target dates for completing different tasks: This eliminates any confusions and misinterpretation of duties. Each work is special and unique to a specific group: The individual tasks are assigned to various project managers, who conduct the whole process of planning and executing the particular functions. Division of labor and specialization: This makes the employees more conversant with their duties hence encouraging creativity and innovation. There is no repetition of work in this kind of organizational structure due to high specialization involved: In traditional organizational structure, the employees are picked randomly, and some may not be familiar with the tasks being issued to them, (Hatch Cunliffe, 2013). However, in project organizational structure the project manager explains to the employees what they need to do and the time that the task will be performed. This will help the employees in HiTechIndustry to be more conversant with their jobs hence reduce chances of making errors. Conclusion In a nutshell, the traditional organizational structure is faced with several weaknesses such as message distortion, lack of authority, delays in decision making, globalization problems and overspecialization. It is, therefore, not appropriate for HiTechIndustry. As the firm has grown over time and relies on innovation as a significant competitive strategy. However, I have found out that the company can escape these limitations if it adopts a project organizational structure. This finding has been necessitated by analyzing the benefits of the project organizational structure which include: specification of goals, a division of labor, and avoidance of repetition of work. The primary assumption used is that the firm needs to escape the weaknesses of a traditional organization structure. Recommendations The firm should abolish the traditional organizational structure. This will enable it to escape the challenges posed by the traditional model. It can do this by discussing with the management and consulting the employees. The firm should adopt the project organizational structure. It can do this by actively involving all the managers who will be assigned specific projects and identifying relevant employees who will be allocated to each project. References Bolman, L. G., Deal, T. E. (2017).Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice, and Leadership.John Wiley Sons. Csaszar, F. A. (2012). Organizational Structure as a Determinant of Performance: Evidence from Mutual Funds.Strategic Management Journal,33(6), 611-632. Foss, N. J., Lyngsie, J., Zahra, S. A. (2013). The role of external knowledge sources and Organizational Design in the Process of Opportunity Exploitation.Strategic Management Journal,34(12), 1453-1471. Gulati, R., Puranam, P., Tushman, M. (2012). Meta?organization Design: Rethinking Design inInter-organizational and Community Contexts.Strategic Management Journal,33(6), 571-586. Hatch, M. J., Cunliffe, A. L. (2013).Organization Theory: Modern, Symbolic and Postmodern Perspectives. Oxford University Press. Too, E. G., Weaver, P. (2014). The Management of Project Management: A ConceptualFramework for Project Governance.International Journal of Project Management,32(8), 1382-1394.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Road to My Success free essay sample

Boom! Crack! I jumped to the sound of the storm. â€Å"The storm is getting closer little buddy.† Exclaimed my grandfather. The sweet memorable smell of rain filled my nostrils as I sit down to have a chat with my grandfather. During the period of our conversation Tim my grandfather mentioned the idea of collage and with a very heartfelt breath he told me to go be somebody! Explaining himself he described a much younger version of himself. â€Å" I went to collage little buddy but I was forced to drop out to take care of my family but you Levi you will become somebody!† After that remark lightning stuck the ground which sent ice cold chills to race through my body and from that moment on I told myself and knew deep down inside that I was going to be somebody. This amazed me because something shook beneath my core that day which gave me a feeling that could not be pried out by anything! As I looked back over to my grandfather I saw his black sun glasses sitting on his rustic face such an iconic item associated with him. We will write a custom essay sample on The Road to My Success or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page After that gaze a moment of silence filled the freshly rained air that surrounded us and a flood of laughter and smiling was shared between us. Moments later my grandfather turned to me and said â€Å"You know what little buddy? I think you would be superior lawyer!† quickly I replied â€Å"You think so?† â€Å"Heck yeah!† He exclaimed! Pondering that thought I was shocked to see my grandfather so excited to tell me something like that but I guess that what you get for thinking! A white ball of fuzz escaped from the corner of my eye as I darted around the corner to see what passed by me I noticed our tiny frail dog, Dazy May tiny but clever. A hand appeared on my right shoulder a warm feeling of comfort drowned my body I turned to face my grandfather. As he opened his mouth I could clearly see the bright white teeth that were embedded into his mouth a nice feature of his he acquired over the years. What had come from my grandfather has forever stuck with me! â€Å"I believe in you little buddy you can do it!† As a ten year old boy those words forever changed me and turned up my dial for determina tion. If I achieve this path my grandfather has sent me down I would be the first one in my family to finish collage and become somebody. Thinking to myself it’s amazing how just a few words can change a persons` life and make an improved version of yourself! Words are some of the most powerful things in this mysterious world we live in they have shaped this world to what it is today. As a result a lesson that my grandfather indirectly taught me the meaning of life and gave me the over powered strength that will allow me to become the most I can become. That, that right there is worth more than anything money can buy! You can’t put a price tag on love and encouragement.